
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish System Hub


OLMHRP — Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish is a church near the hometown when I grew up in. I wrote OSyshub as a solution to help digitized and automate most of the parish-related processes.

OSysHub is purely written in Java and Java Swing to build the UI. OSysHub is just fancy way of saying, System Hub. The idea is to create a unified application that will handle all church related-processes. I designed it with a plugin architecture so I could build every system independently and iteratively on-demand.

Currently, OSysHub contains a Columbary Management System and a Voucher/Cheque Printing feature complete with tests.

I've extracted an API — Bethelscribe out of OSysHub and made it public on github.

"We have a major problem regarding filing records. OSysHub was the solution that we never knew we needed until it's here." — Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish Admin